Current Issue

Vol 6 No 1 (2024): Journal of Visual Theology
Published: 2024-06-26


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Dear colleagues!

Journal of Visual Theology provides a forum for the expression of independent and critical reflection on matters of current academic interest in iconology, hierotopy, ars sacra and religious imagery, as well as on visual aspects of the beliefs, practices and theological discourse of past and present.

The journal was founded in 2019 by Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University.

Publication frequency: semiannually.

Materials on the following topics are accepted for publication in the journal (this list is not exhaustive and can be expanded):

  • visual aspects of religious faith and theological doctrine
  • Christian theology and religious philosophy of image
  • theory of sign and sign communication in religion
  • semiotics of sacred space (semantics, syntax, pragmatics), construction of sacred spaces (hierotopy)
  • symbolism, semiotics and hermeneutics of religious practices: liturgy, ascetics, mysticism, sacramentology
  • visual (non-verbal) languages of religious experience
  • visual aspects of religious consciousness
  • visual axiology of Christianity: analysis of the experience of the visual expression of norms and values in religious culture, of visual environment as a sphere of normative theological didactics, of the visual field of religious practice as a communicative axiology
  • visual anthropology of Christianity, including the confessional, cultural and philosophical aspects of the presentation of religious identity
  • visual theology and the humanities (aesthetics, history, archaeology, cultural studies, philology, geography, ethnology, sociology, ethics, art studies)
  • semiotics and the aesthetics of the icon
  • semiotics and the aesthetics of temple architecture
  • sacred topography
  • forms of visualization of religious morality
  • methods and principles of the illustration of theological text
  • visual metaphor and ekphrasis in religious text
  • theatrical and cinematic forms of presentation of Christianity
  • visual semiotics of religious holidays
  • visual theology of everyday life
  • theological hermeneutics of lived environment
  • sacred urban studies
  • methods of theological interpretation of the world as a work of art and visual text
  • figurative techniques in verbal theological discourse
  • theology of the verbal image
  • semiotic analysis of religious imagery on coats of arms, seals, emblems, military banners, and banknotes;
  • visual aspects of religious pedagogy

The journal accepts materials written in the following formats: article, article translations, essay, interview, research report, review, bibliographic review, scientific event report. It is also possible to publish materials presented in other formats.

The journal languages are Russian, English, German and French.

All materials are double-blind peer-reviewed.

All articles of the journal are assigned DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers), which greatly facilitates the processes of citation, searching and the localization of scientific publications.

The Journal of Visual Theology is indexed in the Science Index, Scopus, EBSCO, DOAJ, ERIH PLUS and Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory. In addition, issues of the journal are available in and

The Journal was registered with the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media as an online periodical (registration number and date of the decision to register: EL No. FS 77-83011 of March 30, 2022).