Author Guidelines
The editorial board accepts in electronic form the materials typed in the text editor Microsoft Office Word with the extension .doc or .docx. Illustrations are accepted as separate files in jpeg format (no more than 12 illustrations).
Text size – from 40 000 to 80 000 characters (including spaces). The text is typed in Palatino Linotype. The font size is 12. Line spacing – single. Paragraph indention – 0.5 cm. Page margins on top and bottom – 2 cm, left – 2,5 cm, right – 1.5 cm. The alignment mode of the abstract, keywords, main text and references – justified, hyphenation – automatic. Pages of text are not numbered. When using additional fonts, such fonts should be submitted to the editors.
Text structure
The work published in the journal should consist of the following consecutive elements:
- article title,
- initials and surname of the author,
- place of work, country,
- e-mail,
- information about the source of funding, if any,
- abstract,
- keywords,
- for materials in Russian, paragraphs 1–7 are repeated in English,
- text,
- references in Russian (only for materials in Russian),
- references in English.
Author's abstract should be a brief review of the article, representing the main content and conclusions of the study. The size of the abstract is 300 to 400 words. The abstract serves as a reference tool, adequately representing a more extensive scientific research. From the abstract it should be clear what purpose the author of the study set, what tasks he consistently solved, what methodology he used (without specifying details), what are the main results of the study and what is the scientific significance of these results. The text of the abstract should be internally coherent and logically structured (following the logic of the text). Citation is not used in the abstract. The abstract should not contain any material that is not contained in the article.
Keywords to the article should reflect the main content of the article, coincide with the basic terms of the study, define (mark) the area of knowledge, subject area and subject of the study. Number of keywords – from 5 to 15, the sequence of keywords: by importance. Keywords are separated by commas.
References to the used literature are given in the text in square brackets according to the following form: [Ivanov 2012, 81], where Ivanov is the author's surname, 2012 – year of publication, 81 – page. If necessary, it is allowed to refer to several pages: [Petrov 2019, 52– 54], between these page numbers a short dash should always be used, not a hyphen. Before sending the material, it is necessary to make sure that:
- all references are made to the sources, present in the references,
- each source, present in the references, is cited at least once.
The number of so-called general references, that are, references to the source without specifying the page number (except for the references to web resources), should not exceed 10 % of the total number of references in the text of the work. Citation of author’s own works, as well as any other, should be appropriate and expedient. The use of materials whose authorship cannot be established is not recommended. In the presence of the printed edition it is not recommended to refer to the electronic resource.
All selections of text inside of quotes are specified within the parentheses (my italics. – E. S.), where E. S. – the first letters of the author's name (typed in italics). If some text is missing when quoting, then in the quotation itself an ellipsis enclosed in angle brackets is used: <...>. Such a reduction of the quotation should not distort its meaning.
Notes are made in the form of page footnotes. Footnotes are numbered sequentially. Font size – 10, justified alignment.
Illustrative materials (images, photos, tables, etc.) are numbered and accompanied by a caption: illustration number, title, author/source. The names of provided jpeg files should correspond to the numbers and names of illustrations in the text.
References is made according to the following rules.
When preparing articles in English, the editorial team recommends that the EASE Guidelines for Authors and Translators of Scientific Articles to be Published in English should be followed.